Influencer Marketing
We at CBPR know the influencer world like the back of our hand, and have achieved tremendous success through our partnerships with influencers from New York and LA, to Charleston and Asheville. By focusing on the micro-influencer world, our clients receive the best ROI for the lowest cost possible.
Meet Our Influencers…
Have You Heard of TastemakersCHS?
In 2016, Charlotte founded Charleston’s first and only social media club, @TastemakersCHS, which brings local businesses, influencers and nonprofits together under one umbrella.
By working with CBPR, our Charleston clients have immediate access to the group’s 25+members and 300k followers, which has proven instrumental to getting butts in seats. TastemakersCHS has partnered with over 65 CHS businesses to date – raising over $25,000 for 20+ local nonprofits.